Training Centre for fighting TB epidemics

Training Centre for fighting TB epidemics is the centre for practical training and introduction of world standards of TB treatment, established by Rinat Akhmetov Foundation “Development of Ukraine”. 

It was opened on March 24, 2010, on the World Tuberculosis Day, within the framework of”Fighting TB epidemics in the Donetsk region in 2007-2011” program, implemented by Rinat Akhmetov Foundation together with the Donetsk Regional State Administration and the Donetsk Regional Council. The Centre is organized on the basis of the Donetsk Regional Clinical anti-TB Hospital together with the public organization “Stop TB” in cooperation with the WHO, Main Health Department of Donetsk Regional State Administration and M. Gorky Donetsk National Medical University.

Purpose of establishing the training centre is improving the quality of TB diagnostics, treatment and prevention, as well as introduction of international standards of TB treatment in Ukraine. Training in the Centre is conducted for medical workers (physicians, nurses, personnel of the general medical network) as well as for non-medical workers (representatives of the mass media, public organizations, caseworkers, volunteers etc.). Leading Ukrainian and foreign experts are invited as trainers in our Centre.

Modern equipment available at the Training Centre helps make the process of training efficient and convenient to the greatest possible extent. Thus, document camera enables to examine and analyse even bad quality X-ray images, and video conferencing equipment enables to conduct online consultations and seminars. Pre- and post-training computer testing system is introduced, as well as the system for monitoring and evaluation of introducing the gained skills at workplace. Travelling seminars and trainings are often conducted.

In 2012, the Training Centre submitted an application to the European Office of the WHO for receiving the status of centre of cooperation with the WHO. This status will enable the centre to confirm its following not only national but also world standards of TB fighting training, and will give an opportunity to widely share the experience with foreign colleagues.


Training Centre for fighting TB epidemics

Coordinator: Borodina Tatiana Aleksandrovna

tel./fax: (062) 294-50-87

cell phone.: 050-474-82-69


Send a request for participation in the training

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