Operational research

Status of implementation of recommendations for section Operational research

Recommendations Status Implementation Institution responsible for implementation Deadlines
Operational research
General recommendations        

1. An operational research agenda should be developed, outlining the priority topics to be studied, identifying key investigators and providing an adequate study budget.


Under the program “Stop TB in Ukraine”, the following researches are planned for 2011-2015 with the financial support of the Global Fund:
Organizer – Charity Foundation “Development of Ukraine”:

  • social study of TB knowledge, attitude, practice and behaviour in various population groups across Ukraine (КАРВ) (2011, 2015);
  • evaluation of TB personnel potential (2012).

Organizer – Representative Office of the PATH International Organization in Ukraine:

  • operational study to evaluate case management effectiveness (2012 and 2014);
  • operational study of the national indicators of the National TB Program effectiveness and determination of needs for additional research (2011).

Organizer – International Charitable Foundation “International HIV/AIDS Alliance in Ukraine”:

  • operational study of access for TB patients to HIV testing and consulting (2012);
  • operational study to determine MDR-TB incidences among HIV-positive people (2011, 2013 and 2015);
  • operational study to map TB diagnostic and preventive services for HIV/AIDS-positive people (annually from 2011 to 2015);
  • operational study to implement TB infection control at facilities providing services to HIV-positive persons (2012 and 2014).

However, not all of these studies planned could be carried out.

FG Yanovsky National Institute of tuberculosis and pulmonology
On an ongoing basis
Special recommendations        

2. Operational research should be conducted on:
a) factors involved in delays in case detection and barriers to access for vulnerable and other groups at risk (delays by patients or by doctors, laboratory performance);
b) the yield from case-finding among different groups actively screened for TB;
c) performance of institutions (length of stay, occupation rate, availability of drugs for treatment, rate of patient hospitalization, outcome);
d) case management – the default rate among vulnerable groups and patients who started the continuation phase in rayons (follow-up and DOT in the ambulatory phase, cohort analysis);
e) all aspects of delivery of services in both TB services and AIDS centres, including different ways of integrating services;
f) isoniazid preventive therapy and co-trimoxazole preventive therapy;
g) infection control, including successful ways of implementing individual and administrative measures.


Under the Program “Stop TB in Ukraine”, the following researches are planned for 2011-2013 with the financial support of the Global Fund:
Organizer – Charity Foundation “Development of Ukraine”:

Organizer – International Charitable Foundation “International HIV/AIDS Alliance in Ukraine”:

  • social study “Mapping TB diagnostic and preventive services for HIV/AIDS-positive people at the premises of AIDS Prevention and Fight Centres” (2012);
  • operational study “Access for TB patients to voluntary HIV consulting and testing, its quality and further support regarding HIV diagnosis and treatment” (2013).

The performed studies did not cover all the directions which should have been studied in accordance with the recommendations.

State Service
FG Yanovsky National Institute of tuberculosis and pulmonology
On an ongoing basis

3. A process should be developed to facilitate and encourage operational research in the NTP.

Not implemented

Under the National TB Program, no procedures for facilitation and encouragement of operational studies have been developed, planning and implementation of which is assigned to the state institution “Yanovsky National Institute of Tuberculosis and Pulmonology, for the funds from the state budget. Plans of studies intended to be carried out under the Global Fund grant are approved with the National TB and HIV/AIDS Council. Studies under other international projects are approved with the state institution “Ukrainian Centre for Socially Dangerous Diseases Control”.

State Service
FG Yanovsky National Institute of tuberculosis and pulmonology
On an ongoing basis
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