Status of implementation of recommendations for section Infection Control

Recommendations | Status | Implementation | Institution responsible for implementation | Deadlines |
Infection Control | ||||
General recommendations | ||||
1. TB infection control measures should be urgently implemented in the civilian and penal TB, HIV/AIDS and general health care services. The high level of nosocomial TB transmission and the growing epidemic of drug-resistant TB in high-HIV-prevalence settings (such as in Ukraine) make it imperative to prioritize the introduction of administrative, environmental and individual control measures based on risk assessments of the facilities. |
Not implemented
The State Penitentiary Service of Ukraine
Special recommendations | ||||
2. Annual training courses on TB infection control should be organized at national, oblast, rayon and facility levels for hospital administrators, doctors, chief nurses, epidemiologists, laboratory managers and technicians. It is vital to include epidemiologists from the sanitary–epidemiological services in national and international training. There is a good training centre for infection control in Donetsk. |
Under the Global Fund grant, during 2012-2013, trainings in Planning and Arrangement of TB Infection Control were held for 95 specialists (with chief doctors, doctors, medical nurses, laboratory specialists, engineers and other specialists responsible for infection control at tuberculosis facilities among them). Moreover, in 2012-2013, under USAID project “Enhanced TB Control in Ukraine”, trainings in the following directions of the infection control were held:
On an ongoing basis |
3. An educational programme should be established on the prevention of TB transmission and cough etiquette for TB patients, their relatives and other close contacts, as well as for the general population. Infection control policies, a high-risk standard of operations and infection control educational programmes should be developed and implemented for health care workers, patients and the general population. |
Education program on TB transmission and “cough etiquette” for TB patients, their relatives and other close contacts has not been developed yet. However, some measures in this direction have been taken. In particular, under the awareness-raising campaign of “Stop TB in Ukraine” program, in 2011-2013 awareness-raising posters “Prevention of TB Infection at Hospitals” (interlinking), which provide visual representation of cough etiquette, were developed and distributed among primary care facilities and specialized TB hospitals. Moreover, in 2011 a sub-recipient in “communication” direction – International Non-Governmental Organization “Labor and Health Social Initiatives” (LHSI) – developed and distributed a brochure for patients and their family members titled “What You Should Know about Tuberculosis” (interlinking), which focuses on basic provisions of TB prevention for family members and hygiene of premises where a TB patient stayed or stays. Operational standards under conditions of high risk at TB facilities are provided in the Standard for TB infection control at health care centres, places of long stay of people and residence of TB patients, approved with the Order of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine No. 684 dated 18.08.2010. |
4. Risk assessments should be organized and TB infection control plans developed for each health care facility, integrated with general infection control measures and taking the available resources into account. These plans need to be updated annually to take account of new evidence-based procedures. |
All health care centres must outline the structure of infection control measures management, draw up on an annual basis an implementation plan and control its fulfilment in accordance to the Standard for TB infection control at health care centres, places of long stay of people and residence of TB patients, approved with the Order of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine No. 684 dated 18.08.2010. During the monitoring visits, quality of plans and their fulfilment are inspected, and calculation of budget required for infection control measures and their actual volume of financing are analysed for correctness. |
5. TB suspects, outpatients and hospitalized patients should be separated according to their symptoms, the results of sputum smear microscopy and drug susceptibility testing (or the risk of drug-resistant TB) and their HIV status, in both the outpatient and inpatient departments. Shortening the overall length of stay in hospitals and adhering to the national requirement for floor area per patient bed (to reduce overcrowding) are contributory factors in the reduction of transmission. This recommendation also applies to penal facilities. |
Section 3.11. “Distribution of Patient Flow” (page 12 and further) of the Standard for TB infection control at health care centres, places of long stay of people and residence of TB patients, approved with the Order of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine No. 684 dated 18.08.2010 specifies that all TB facilities must distribute patient flows based on results of sputum smear microscopy for acid-resistant bacteria and based on data of anti-TB drug sensitivity. Control over the compliance with this condition is exercised in the course of monitoring visits to TB facilities. However, in practice it is not always possible to distribute patient flow as required by the Standard due to the architectural inconformity of TB facility to infection control requirements. For the purposes of reducing in-patient TB transmission, the unified clinical protocol of primary, secondary (specialized) and tertiary (highly specialized) medical care “Tuberculosis” was amended, with which TB patients without bacterioexcretion may be treated outpatiently (DOT) from the very beginning of therapy (page 75), if the patient’s clinical status allows that. However, in cases of bacterioexcretion, a patient is subject to mandatory hospitalization, which contradicts the latest WHO recommendations (WHO: TB treatment: recommendations. Fourth edition, 2009 (page 105). |
6. There should be appropriate triage of respiratory symptomatic patients, separation of patients and specimen flows with signage and reallocation of facilities (if needed), and isolation of smear-positive and M/XDR-TB patients. |
In accordance with the section 3.11. “Distribution of Patient Flow” (page 12 and further) of the Standard for TB infection control at health care centres, places of long stay of people and residence of TB patients, approved with the Order of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine No. 684 dated 18.08.2010, all TB facilities must distribute patient flows based on results of sputum smear microscopy for acid-resistant bacteria and based on data of anti-TB drug sensitivity. During the monitoring visits, distribution of patient flow is subject to inspection, though in practice it is not always possible to comply with all rules due to inappropriate design of old TB facilities. Moreover, risk zone distribution is depicted in colours (red, yellow, green) on all department schemes. |
7. Sputum should be collected in the open air in a well-designated area that is also usable in the winter. If this not feasible, a special room should be assigned to the collection of sputum with proper ventilation, either natural (open window) or mechanical (negative pressure room with at least 12 air changes per hour). |
The Standard for TB infection control at health care centres, places of long stay of people and residence of TB patients, approved with the Order of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine No. 684 dated 18.08.2010 sets forth requirements to equipment of special sites and rooms for sputum sampling. Compliance with these requirements is inspected in the course of monitoring visits to all health care facilities. |
8. Local mechanical ventilation and/or upper room ultraviolet germinal irradiation fixtures should be installed and regularly maintained, and arranged so that they are present in highload sputum smear preparation rooms, waiting areas, medical examination offices, bronchoscopy rooms, autopsy rooms, common rooms and other high-risk settings where natural ventilation cannot be used effectively. |
Requirements to installation and maintenance of local ventilation and/or UF irradiators are set forth in the Standard for TB infection control at health care centres, places of long stay of people and residence of TB patients, approved with the Order of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine No. 684 dated 18.08.2010. Practical implementation of these requirements is inspected in the course of monitoring visits by the respective specialist. The most significant reason for incompliance with the requirements to installation and maintenance of local ventilation and/or UF irradiators is insufficient financing. Under the Global Fund grant, the mechanical ventilation system with negative pressure was installed in 2013 in the laboratory of level III in Kharkiv region. Similar ventilation systems were installed in laboratories of level III in Donetsk and Mykolaiv regions for the money granted by the Charity Foundation “Development of Ukraine”. |
On an ongoing basis |
9. Appropriate funding (5–10% of capital cost per year) should be allocated for the maintenance of sustainable and professionally designed, commissioned and maintained mechanical ventilation and laboratory biosafety equipment. Certification of the biosafety cabinets according to EN 12469 standard by appropriately trained and certified specialists should be sought. |
Funds for technical maintenance of mechanical ventilation and equipment at biosafety laboratory must be envisaged in local TB infection control plans at each health care facility. Compliance with this requirement is inspected in the course of monitoring visits. However, funds are provided partially due to limitations of the facilities` budgets. |
State Service
Regional healthcare departments
10. One or more engineers should be hired for the NTP who have appropriate education in ventilation, ultraviolet germinal irradiation and biosafety equipment issues, essential for the use, sustainability and cost–effectiveness of equipment. |
On July 22, 2013, pursuant to the Order No. 145 and Resolution of the State Sanitary Epidemiological Service of Ukraine with the technical support by USAID project “Enhanced TB Control in Ukraine”, TB IC expert group of the State Sanitary Epidemiological Service of Ukraine was organized. |
11. A personal respiratory protection programme should be established for staff at high risk in settings where the use of administrative and environmental controls is not sufficient to reduce the risk of TB transmission. This should include education and the procurement and distribution of certified FFP2 or N95 respirators and annual testing for their fit. |
Section 8.2. “Criteria of Infection Control Quality” (page 22 and further) in the Standard for TB infection control at health care centres, places of long stay of people and residence of TB patients, approved with the Order of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine No. 684 dated 18.08.2010 sets forth the following criteria of infection control effectiveness: |
Regional healthcare departments
On an ongoing basis |
12. Surgical masks should be provided, together with education in how and when to use them, to all potentially contagious patients (sputum smear-positive TB patients, TB suspects, people coughing and those with other respiratory symptoms). |
Procurement of surgical masks must be envisaged in TB Infection Control Plan. However, due to the lack of financing, it is impossible to achieve 100% availability of surgical masks for all potentially infectious patients. Therefore, masks are provided, as a rule, to those patients who cannot afford to buy them. Provision and use of surgical masks by the patients are inspected during monitoring visits to a health care facility. |
On an ongoing basis |
The Order of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine No. 684 dated 18.08.2010 approved “Standard for TB infection control at health care centres, places of long stay of people and residence of TB patients”, which sets forth the conditions for implementation of infection control measures at tuberculosis facilities. However, in practice, infection control measures are being taken partially; not only insufficient financing is observed but incompliance with the relevant regulations as well. In 2012, monitoring groups on the national and regional levels were expanded and now include an infection control specialist who inspects during his/her visits all components of the infection control and provides respective recommendations as for their improvement.