
Akhmetov's Fund Launches A New PSA Campaign

This November Rinat Akhmetov's Foundation for Development of Ukraine launched the second wave of the information campaign within the implementation of its "Stop TB in Ukraine" Program. The campaign aims to reduce the negative social attitudes towards people who have or have had TB. TB patients are ordinary people.

National Council on TB and HIV/AIDS selects Principal Recipient for the Phase II of the Global Fund Grant for Tuberculosis Component

Ukraine has defined the main recipient who will serve the realization of Stop TB in Ukraine Program within Phase II of the Global Fund grant, 9-th round, for Tuberculosis component.

World Health Organization published Global tuberculosis report 2012

This is the seventeenth global report on tuberculosis (TB) published by WHO in a series that started in 1997.

The initiators of the “Deputy-altruist” campaign await the President’s commission on allocation of UAH 1 billion in the 2013 state budget for treatment of people living with tuberculosis, hepatitis and HIV/AIDS

Viktor Yanukovych, the President of Ukraine made arrangement to prepare a draft Order on prevention of HIV-/AIDS, hepatitis and tuberculosis expansion in Ukraine and provision of accessible health care for HIV-positive people as well as the citizens of Ukraine with tuberculosis and viral hepatitis.

TB detection becomes faster: from 3 months to 2 hours

Press release, Kyiv, October 8, 2012

New advocacy projects launched in Ukraine’s regions

Non-governmentalorganizations- winners of the competitionwithinStopTBinUkraine program, announcedinthesummer by CF "IntellectualPer

Rinat Akhmetov’s Foundation installs modern diagnostic equipment for Ivano-Frankivsk Regional Tuberculosis and Pulmonology Centre

On September 26, Ivano-Frankivsk Regional Tuberculosis and Pulmonology Centre held a press conference dedicated to the delivery of modern diagnostic equipment by Rinat Akhmetov’s Foundation for Development of Ukraine, and the grand opening of the renovated tuberculosis bacteriological diagnosis laboratory.

Ill people announce “blasé” deputies’ names

Today people, ill with tuberculosis, AIDS and hepatitis addressed to the president of Ukraine Viktor Fedorovych Yanukovych to save their lives by giving a special order to allot UAH 1 billion for the 2013 budget for their treatment.This appeal was signed by 117 public institutions.

The population of Ukraine becomes more aware of the problem of tuberculosis

In conjunction with the communications sub-recipient of IPO “Labour and Health Social Initiatives” (LHSI) the printed materials for general population and social groups at risk (homeless, drug addicts, prisoners, Romani people) were developed, printed and delivered to all regions of Ukraine.

Phase 2 Proposal to the Global Fund Round 9 implementation on TB component has began to prepare.

Stakeholders meeting to discuss key results of Phase 1 Round 9 implementation on TB component and concept elaboration of Phase 2 Proposal will start at 9.30 am at the hotel "Express", bul. Shevchenko 38/40 July, 12


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