
WHO calls on the world to “Gear up to End TB”

New strategy sets ambitious targets

Potential changes in TB service in light of healthcare reforms

On April 16 the Minister of Healthcare of Ukraine Oleksandr Kvitashvili presented healthcare reform plan to the National Reform Council.

Owing to Rinat Akhmetov Foundation 40 patients are receiving home TB treatment in Kramatorsk

Since August 2014 Rinat Akhmetov Foundation has been implementing a project in Kramatorsk: "Ambulatory model of TB patients’ treatment".

For the first time in 40 years a new medicine for the treatment of MDR TB appeared

Bedaquiline (Syrturo, TMC207) - TB drug with a new mechanism of action that affects the livelihoods of Mycobacterium tuberculosis

More than 1700 telemedicine consultation provided pulmonologists for 8 months in Donetsk region

The network includes five major anti-TB facilities in the region: Donetsk, Mariupol, Kramatorske, Uzhgorod, Shahtarsk

Training centre for fighting TB of Rinat Akhmetov Foundation trains Ukrainian physicians in the national and world treatment standards

Tatiana Borodina, coordinator of this centre, tells about peculiarities, results and plans for development of the Training Centre

Rinat Akhmetov Foundation for the first time in Ukraine has organized training on rapid methods of TB diagnosis involving international experts

25 lab specialists from all over Ukraine were trained in modern methods of TB diagnosis, providing for significant time reduction for TB diagnosis from 3 months to 1 day


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